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См.: угроза.




jeopardy - Two of four checks that are performed to test the validity of an evaporating cloud (EC). One check is whether entity D jeopardizes the requirement stated in entity C and the second is whether entity D' jeopardizes the requirement stated in entity B.

Usage: If jeopardy is not present between the entities, then the wording in one or both entities needs to be revised.

Perspective: A valid EC must also meet the following two conditions: 1. entities D and D' must be in conflict with each other; 2. entities B and C must not be in conflict with one another and both must be required to achieve the objective A.

Illustration: Does the existence of D Raise the price of Pressure Steam boilers jeopardize the existence of C Increase market for repair parts? The answer is yes because raising the price of boilers will reduce sales of boilers and reduced sales means fewer boilers in use that might require repair parts. Does the existence of D′ Lower the price of Pressure Steam boilers jeopardize the existence of B Increase margins of product line? The answer is yes because, assuming costs have not decreased, margins will go down when the price is lowered. (Reference: It's Not Luck, Goldratt, 1994).

See:entity, evaporating cloud, requirement.