clarity reservation
См.: оговорка ясности.
clarity reservation
clarity reservation - - The level I reservation in the categories of legitimate reservation that is used when the scrutinizer: 1. is concerned about the meaning of an individual word, the complete statement contained in an entity, or a section of the diagram, or

Usage: The level I clarity reservation is usually the first reservation that is raised by a scrutinizer because it is appropriate to try to understand the entity or relationship between entities before raising a level II or III reservation. Common clarity reservations include definitions of words, the meaning or use of acronyms, phrases, pronouns, word sequences, or confusing punctuation, too brief an entity description such as a sentence fragment, cause and effect within one entity, and compound subjects, verbs, or sentences within an entity. Sometimes the scrutinizer is unfamiliar with the activities, policies, procedures or measures within a function and uses the clarity reservation to build an understanding. Providing verbal clarity may be sufficient for understanding the diagram, and thus, the tree builder/presenter may not necessarily have to edit an entity to satisfy a scrutinizer. Similarly, clarification of a relationship between linked entities may be sought by a scrutinizer. Here again, after an appropriate explanation, it may or may not be necessary to edit the relationship being challenged. Examples of both types of clarity are shown below.
Illustration 1: Consider the entity below: 100 XYZ is a new product development company. Clarity is needed to determine whether XYZ is a new company or an existing company that develops new products.
Illustration 2: Consider the relationship between the two entities, 100 and 110. A scrutinizer might ask for clarity on how gambling provides financial security since to gamble is to take a risk which seems to be the antithesis of financial security.
Illustration 3: Consider the relationships among the three entities, 100, 110, and 120 below. A scrutinizer might ask for clarity on how installing an activity based cost accounting system provides accurate product cost and how price is then established as he/she might be unfamiliar with activity based cost accounting systems and the relationship of cost to price.
See:categories of legitimate reservation, long arrow, scrutiny.