arrow as a connector
См.: стрелка в качестве соединителя.
arrow as a connector
arrow as a connector - - Use of an arrow in logic diagrams to denote a logical connection between entities.Usage 1: In sufficiency-based logic diagrams such as the current reality tree, future reality tree, and transition tree, the arrow denotes an "if... then..." relationship. As shown in
Illustration 1, the cause is at the tail of the arrow and the effect is at the point of the arrow.
Illustration 1: The sufficiency-based logic diagram on the right below is verbalized: If 10 My car is out of gas then 20 I cannot drive my car. Usage 2: In necessity-based logic diagrams such as the evaporating cloud and the prerequisite tree, the arrow indicates that the entity at the tail of the arrow is a necessary condition for the existence of the entity at the point of the arrow.
Illustration 2: The necessity-based logic diagram on the right below is verbalized: B In order I have food to eat, D I must have money to buy food.